Simple Web Development In Java

Teams often are slowed down by the increasing size and complexity of the frameworks they use and the code they... Continue reading

My blog is moving

I’m moving my blog to a new domain. I will now be at Please update your bookmarks and feeds.... Continue reading

Focus on solutions, not problems

One of the key ingredients to becoming a great team is learning to focus on solutions, not problems. Unfortunately, this... Continue reading

100% de couverture de code par les tests

Voici les slides de la session que j’ai donné à Agile Tour Montréal 2011 et à Confoo 2012. L’idée maîtresse... Continue reading

Les programmes de certification Scrum, comment ça marche ?

Au début de l’été, Eric et moi avons eu le plaisir d’être les invités du Visual Studio Talk Show, un... Continue reading

You need an Agile Product Manager, not an Agile Project Manager

When an organization starts using Scrum, it runs into tough questions. One question that is particularly challenging is: Is the... Continue reading

The Birth of Team Sosoft

Last november, I experienced the first Codapalooza as part of team Sosoft. This was the first event of its kind... Continue reading

How to change things when change is hard?

That’s the question the Heath brothers address in Switch. I had great expectations before reading the latest book from the... Continue reading

You need a ScrumMaster to change the old style

There seem to be a confusion between the role of the ScrumMaster and one of a team facilitator. Jason Little... Continue reading

Start doing sprint reviews, not demos

There’s a misunderstanding I’ve noticed in quite a few Scrum projects. Teams use Scrum and at the end of their... Continue reading

Asking powerful questions to hire right

Many organizations spend a significant amount of time defining the experience, education, skills and other factors required for open positions.... Continue reading

Making good use of assertion messages in tests

Have you ever struggle with coming up with useful assertion messages in your tests? Well, I have; until not so... Continue reading

Change is the job of the ScrumMaster

I recently finished reading Community, the Structure of Belonging, by Peter Block. While reading the book, I could not help... Continue reading

Scrum is not about project management

I often hear people talk about Scrum as a project management framework. I don’t like that idea. Scrum is for... Continue reading

Product vision and Strategic Design

When I coach Scrum teams, I usually spend a significant amount of time working with the Product Owner to teach... Continue reading

Imposterizing checked exceptions

I have been frustrated many times by some of Java’s checked exceptions. I’m sure you can recall some of your... Continue reading